Welcome to ZARphoto


NEW: PNW19 Trip
The long wait is over. Photos of my recent trip to the Pacific Northwest are posted now.
There were some hard choices to make in the editing process. 10,036 photos taken over two months were sorted and edited down to roughly 900 then the best 70 were chosen from that were chosen to display here on my website.
Click the button below to see the full gallery

January 17, 2019
In response to feedback I received since moving out of the Denver area, I decided that it's time for a more multi-purpose brand for my photography. As a result, InDenver Photography has been transitioned to ZARphoto.
To quickly access this site in the future you can go to www.ZARphoto.com.

Old Posts:
Due to technical constraints, only the most recent 5 albums and a Top 10 Pictures list will be displayed on this site.
You can find more of my photos on my Instagram (Via the button in the top right) or on GuruShots via the button below.